Level of Influence
While the International Criminal Court does face criticism from States unwilling to allow it excursive power, the ICC gains a lot of its influence through Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) like Amnesty International and International Government Organizations (IGOs) like the United Nations. NGOs not only allow the ICC to continue by providing information and support but also was largely responsible for the creation of the Rome Statue through advocacy for prosecution of crimes against humanity. This relationship has been growing stronger with Professor Benjamin Schiff of Michigan University saying “From the Statute Conference onward, the relationship between the ICC and the NGOs has been closer.” These NGO’s provide vital promotion and support of the ICC in the global arena by forming new NGO’s specifically designed to protect and empower the ICC like the Coalition for the International Court, and with large and influential NGO’s like Amnesty International calling the ICC a “major breakthrough in international justice,” and in doing this legitimize the ICC.