Criticsims of the Work of the ICC
The ICC has been scrutinized by States as it takes away there authority, power and influence simultaneously through the persecution criminals from within a state. The ICC therefore takes away one of the States main functions; thir sovereignty, and as a result this undermines their authority.
Senator John McCain said that "[he] wants [America] in the ICC, but [he is] not satisfied that there are enough safeguards." This is a clear indication that States are concerned with giving up their own power to prosecute their own criminals.
NGO's also support the actions of America, such as The Heritage Foundation saying "The true measure of America's commitment to peace and justice and its opposition to genocide and war crimes lies not in its participation in international bureaucracies like the ICC, but in its actions." As a result of the unwillingness to join by superpowers like America the ICC loses its legitimacy to become a big player in the global arena and its ability to achieve its aims becomes hard to achieve and sparse as a result.
Senator John McCain said that "[he] wants [America] in the ICC, but [he is] not satisfied that there are enough safeguards." This is a clear indication that States are concerned with giving up their own power to prosecute their own criminals.
NGO's also support the actions of America, such as The Heritage Foundation saying "The true measure of America's commitment to peace and justice and its opposition to genocide and war crimes lies not in its participation in international bureaucracies like the ICC, but in its actions." As a result of the unwillingness to join by superpowers like America the ICC loses its legitimacy to become a big player in the global arena and its ability to achieve its aims becomes hard to achieve and sparse as a result.